
  • PLU #4795
Pack size
  • 40lb
  • Dasheen is sometimes called eddo, taro, or malanga; Dasheen is a root from the Callaloo plant. Dasheen is grown for its edible underground parts, which consist of one or more large central corms (called a "mammy") and a cluster of swollen lateral tubers. The central corm may be as large as 8 pounds, but is usually 1 to 2 pounds. The smaller tubers are usually 2 to 4 ounces in size. Both corms and tubers have a scattered covering of a cloth-like husk that can be peeled away to improve the appearance.
  • The dasheen has three main uses: (1) corms and tubers used as a potato; (2) leaves as greens, once they have been boiled 15 minutes in water with a pinch of baking soda, drained, and then rinsed with boiling water; and (3) the blanched young shoots, obtained by forcing corms in the dark, furnish a tender vegetable having a flavor somewhat like that of mushrooms. A stew dish called calalou is prepared from dasheen leaves. Poi is made from fermented taro starch.
  • To cook Dasheen you must first peel and skin off and boil. After you boil the Dasheen you can fry it.
  • Caribbean, Asian
Country of origin
  • Ecuador, Costa Rica.
  • Note: Please notice that Dasheen from Jamaica is different from Eddo. I believe you refer to Eddo and not the Dasheen in the description of this item.
Quality specifications
  • Color – Light to Dark Brown
  • Cleanliness – Must be clean (no dirt, spotting, dust, or any other foreign material).
  • Other – Can have no scarring, cracks, splits, breaks, or mechanical damage.
  • Defects – Softness or blackening inside the flesh
Display and storage
  • Storage- 35-45 degrees, Dry environment
  • Display- Room temperature
  • Shelf life- 6-10 days